Small prayer wings used by followers of The Church of the Lightborn and the goddess Diovola. Usually made of wood, but more expensive ones of iron are sometimes owned by the wealthy.
Origin: Voladorm
One who creates chemical compounds
One who studies magic and infuses it into objects (enchanting)
One who is trained to use a bow and arrows.
An item enchanted by an arcanist.
Weapon created by voladorms. Essentially a modified bow with a trigger, allowing the shooter to aim better. Shoots thunks.
Origin: Voladorm
When an object has been infused with arcana to perform a specific task.
Egyzemor system of ropes and platforms to transport themselves or cargo easily between levels of a mountain.
Origin: Egyzemor
One who is trained to handle a sword.
The distance an erdi’zal can travel in a day (roughly 30 miles)
Egyzemor system of logs and gutters to transport themselves or cargo quickly through a mountain.
Origin: Egyzemor
One who is trained to handle a spear.
Egyzemor marketplace in the mountains. Usually a wide tunnel with vendors on each side.
Origin: Egyzemor
Torch paste. Invented by the egyzemor. A powder you mix it with water then apply the paste to wood. When it dries, it burns for a long time.
Origin: Egyzemor
Mixture of zursteen, pulveld, and a few other ingredients that acts as a low explosive. Delivered by two vial system in cryllan skin. Striking it breaks the vials and causes liquids to mix. Transported with vials kept in separate containers.
Origin: Egyzemor
Human term for a balista.
The Arrival
The Arrival of Power - Galijimas
The Parting
The Parting of Arcana - Arkanosissiky (some call it “The Great Parting”)
Small, hard projectile used with a balista. Slightly shorter than arrows, but instead of a point, they have thick and rounded ends. True name: torgol
Potent acid used to remove boulders when building roads or other constructions.
Origin: Egyzemor
Glowing fungus that light egyzemor tunnels. Blue-green in color.
Origin: Egyzemor
Hunikuz (Swellwood)
A type of wood which grows in the ocean. Contracts when dry, expands when wet. Often used for sealing underwater or water bound constructions.
Origin: Hafu
A lighter variant of iron wood.
Origin: Egyzemor
Vasfa (Iron Wood)
A species of wood that grows in the mountain depths, feeding off iron ore. Produce a timber both dense and heavy, mainly used in stronghold defenses where stone wouldn’t work. Rare and hard to manipulate.
Origin: Egyzemor
Zakahun (Parchwood)
Grayish light and dense wood. Does not rot, but feels a bit squishy. Good for use in damp environments.
Origin: Hafu
Minerals and Metals
Doraku (Flowstone)
Gems harvested from the Hafugung. Smooth, in pastel colors. When shifted, their insides seem to flow like water.
Origin: Hafu
Enek Ezus (Singing Silver)
Rare metal mined from the mountains by Egyzemor. Deep blue with tinges of purple. When molded into the the proper shape, produces melodious tones when rubbed.
Origin: Egyzemor
Kaserc (iron stone)
A blending of mineral and metal which produces a nearly indestructible alloy.
Origin: Egyzemor
Dark yellow edible fungus. Used to make finopep.
Origin: Egyzemor
Crumbly but soft cheese made from donkey and goat milk. Name take from the town who invented it.
Often shortened to “Fino”. Dark yellow mush with a tart taste. Favorite of egyzemors. Slightly intoxicating to them.
Origin: Egyzemor
A hardy bread made using fungus instead of flour.
Origin: Egyzemor
Iceberry Pie
Mildly sour pie made from nibu fruit and bitter berries.
Bitter Berries
As the name suggests. Reddish-blue colored sour tasting fruit.
Blood Ceriman
Deep red fruit like a peach.
Orange, elongated fruit. Sour. Fermented to make edarind.
Kliku Fruit
Blue orbs with red spots. Similar in taste to a banana.
Moon Salal
A form of melon, popular during the summer months.
Nibe Fruit
Elongated fruit, like a pink cucumber. One end is bitter, the other sweet. Often eaten by alternating ends.
Egyzemor drink. Fruity, bitter taste.
Origin: Egyzemor
Mead made with apples and honey, then fermented.
Erdi’zal drink. Intoxicating to erdi. Made from edar fruit.
Origin: Erdi
Kane Ale
Strong alcohol, originally brewed in the city of Kane.
Red wine made from Blood Ceriman. Only slightly alcoholic. Light and sugary.
Herbs & Spices
A light brown root vegetable with a bitter, mainly used as a spice.
Fade Fennel
Looks like broccoli. Deadly in large doses.
The root of this plant is often ground into a brown powder and used in medicine.
Aromatic buds, brownish, rough, and irregularly wrinkled, which initially taste sharp by have a sweet flavor.
The Shadow Arcanist series
Into the Undercastle The Monster's Army
When the people of Talidith flee underground, they unleash an evil worse than the one they left behind and must contain it before it gets loose upon the world With a psychic monstrosity loose on the continent, building an army of undead, Talidith’s heroes must find a way to destroy it and rescue their friend
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